You don’t need to commit a fraud to find yourself under investigation for one. You might have made a billing mistake or misunderstood the terms of a contract. Maybe you decided to buy stock in your company at just the wrong time. Or perhaps someone in your...
If you’re looking for a firm that is capable of handling any type of criminal matter, contact Kammen & Moudy, LLC.
We have more than 50 years of experience handling a wide variety of criminal cases.
Year: 2019
How many people have been wrongfully convicted?
It is a fact that bias exists in the world. Our laws and courts take steps to reduce the ways bias can affect criminal cases, but they are imperfect. In the end, if you put someone charged with a serious crime on the witness stand and then ask a jury to compare his...
FBI information gathering
Many science fiction movies offer visions of dystopian futures. The scariest ones often look calm and happy on the outside. That appearance is deceiving, as the people in those futures are often completely controlled and constantly monitored.Even scarier? That future...
What is Indiana’s “Romeo and Juliet” Criminal Code?
In Shakespeare’s famous play, Romeo and Juliet are young lovers from families at war with each other. They meet, fall in love, find their love shaken by a series of violent incidents and die tragic deaths. Also, they’re young. Very young. We don’t...
Can sexting make you a sex offender?
What do you get when you combine cameras and text messages? The answer, it appears, is sexting. Sexting is everywhere. And it can present real dangers for those who aren’t careful.Fox news recently reported the results of a sexting survey. It found that people...
What should you know about Marion County’s new drug policy?
It's understandable if you're a little confused by Marion County's new marijuana policy. Generally, you just need to know if certain things are legal or illegal. But the new policy adds another whole dimension.Since September 30, Marion County has said it won't bring...
How often are people falsely accused of child porn?
It's an ugly thought--the idea of some quiet, middle-aged man sitting in the dark somewhere while watching children subjected to sex acts. In fact, it's such a sickening thought that Indiana has strict child porn laws to protect children from such situations. However,...
Why should people be more skeptical of DNA evidence?
How do you prove that someone is guilty of a crime? In the United States, you need to show juries enough evidence to convince them of a person's guilt beyond all reasonable doubt. But what is reasonable?Most people--and most jurists--are not scientists. They may be...
Priest charged with solicitation of a minor
News reports about sex crimes are shocking to the public, especially when they involve minors. Furthermore, people are outraged when they hear about priests who are accused of sexually abusing minors, and of the Catholic Church's history of covering up these...
Police enter restaurant, arrest worker on drug charges
A conviction on drug charges can carry long-term consequences. For immigrants, it can be devastating.Recently, an Indiana man was arrested and charged with drug crimes after he was arrested at the restaurant where he worked. According to a news report, police...