No one wants to go to jail. Especially not for a crime they didn’t commit. And especially not when the conviction is based on a story made up by a convict hoping to buy himself some favors or leniency.Nevertheless, jail snitches and their made-up stories...
If you’re looking for a firm that is capable of handling any type of criminal matter, contact Kammen & Moudy, LLC.
We have more than 50 years of experience handling a wide variety of criminal cases.
Month: March 2020
Would a proposed law improve the criminal justice system?
If you’ve seen anyone arrested on television or in the movies, you’ve probably heard an officer say, “You have the right to remain silent.” Shortly afterward, that officer will say, “You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford...
How does the discovery process affect a criminal case?
In the movies and television shows, it’s common to see courtroom dramas turn on the testimony of a surprise witness. Maybe it’s an eyewitness who can place the defendant at the scene of the crime. Maybe it’s a forensic accountant who can trace the...
Does Indiana place limits on self-defense?
Normally, it’s a crime to shoot someone. You can’t just go around waving your gun and pulling the trigger. Similarly, the law tends to frown upon hitting and kicking. But there are cases in which your use of force may be justified, even when it involves a...