Many elderly people in Indianapolis depend upon specially trained nurses to help them when they become unable to care for themselves. Unfortunately, some of the people who provide such services elect to betray the trust of their patients. According to Indianapolis police, a pair of young adults are facing criminal charges in connection with the murder and robbery of an elderly patient’s wife.
Indianapolis police announced the arrests of a 19-year-old male and an 18-year-old female on murder charges in connection with the death of a 74-year-old woman whose husband had been the patient of the female suspect. Police allege that the teen-aged pair broke into the apartment occupied by the decedent and her husband of 39 years with the intent of committing robbery. A number of items were allegedly taken from the apartment, but police did not provide any further information. According to police, the young woman had been an in-home nursing aide for the husband.
The dead woman was found by her daughter, lying on the floor of her bedroom suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. The daughter called the police, who arrived at the scene about 8:30 a.m. In addition to finding the decedent, the police found her husband on the floor in another room. He was taken to a hospital for treatment of medical issues that were unrelated to the break in. The two suspects were charged with murder. An autopsy concluded that death was caused by multiple trauma that aggravated the woman’s hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
The two defendants in this case are facing serious criminal charges, but they are, nevertheless, entitled to be presumed innocent until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Anyone facing similar charges may benefit from consulting a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney for an evaluation of the evidence in the case, enumeration of potential defense strategies and an estimate of the likelihood of obtaining a favorable plea agreement or acquittal.
Source: Indy Star, “2 Indianapolis teens arrested in death of elderly Brownsburg woman,” Holly V. Hays, Jan. 12, 2017