Thefts of large amounts of cash appear to becoming less frequent. Stealing drugs is at least as efficient as stealing cash, not least because drugs usually weigh substantially less than their worth in cash. This trend may have been temporarily reversed by two men who are believed to have stolen more than $500,000 from a Brink’s Security armored truck in Hammond, Indiana. Local police are calling the theft the “biggest robbery the city has ever seen.”
According to Hammond police, two men wearing ski masks drove into the parking lot of a Chase Bank in Hammond. The men allegedly fired several shots at the truck and then took three bags of cash from the interior of the truck, as well as a firearm belonging to one of the security guards. The two men then fled the scene. No one was injured in the incident.
The FBI is assisting in the investigation. A source close to the police said that the robbery was “well planned and executed by somebody who knew what they were doing.” Police believe that CCTV cameras may have captured images of the two men, but the review of the tapes is not yet complete. A burned out car was later found in south Hammond on a route leading to Chicago. Police believe that the robbery suspects may have abandoned the car before fleeing to Chicago.
This theft constitutes a serious crime, and the amount of money involved virtually guarantees that the FBI and the Hammond Police Department will be conducting an energetic investigation. Anyone who is charged with being a participant or assisting the principal suspects will be facing stiff penalties, if convicted. The services of an experienced criminal defense attorney may be valuable in evaluating the law and evidence that will govern the case and in preparing a thorough and effective defense strategy.
Source:, “UPDATE: Source says two men made off with at least $500K in Hammond Brink’s trust heist that’s ‘the biggest robbery that the city has ever seen.’,” April 28, 2018