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What terms are used for violent crimes?

On Behalf of | May 19, 2018 | Firm News |

Many people consider violent crimes among the most heinous type of criminal activities. In fact, a conviction for murder could come with some of the most serious punishments allowed under law. Of course, some situations are not always what they seem, and if you end up charged in relation to a violent crime, you will certainly want to have your chance to tell your side of the story.

Because various types of violent crimes exist, you may wonder what your specific allegations mean. Depending on the charge that authorities have leveled against you, the severity of your potential punishment should a conviction occur could have a substantial range. Understanding the charge could be a helpful first step in determining how to combat it.

Types of violent crimes

There are numerous types and levels of violent crimes. In order to hopefully present a meaningful defense, knowing the crime with which authorities have charged you could help you determine what tactics could work in your favor.

When it comes to violent crimes that result in injuries but not death, you could face charges for assault or battery. Battery involves touching someone in an offensive manner, and assault refers to the threat or apprehension of carrying out an act of battery. The severity of these acts could range from simple assault or battery in which non-serious injuries occur to aggravated assault or battery in which serious injuries result from a dangerous or deadly weapon. Aggravated assault also falls into the category of a felony.

In incidents where a person suffers fatal injuries, authorities could use various terms. For instance, homicide refers to any act in which a person dies as the result of the actions of another person. When a person intentionally causes the death of another person, the event falls into the category of murder. Additional subcategories of murder include first-degree murder, second-degree murder and felony murder.

In the event that a person dies as the result of an unintentional act, a charge of manslaughter may come about. Though the death was unintentional, the accused person’s actions must still have been considered reckless.

Defending against charges

These examples and terms do not represent every type of violent crime. If you stand accused of any of the above allegations or another type of violent crime, it may benefit you to review the charges and explore your defense options.

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