As many Indianapolis residents have probably heard, Indiana and the rest of the country are facing a so-called opioid epidemic. Indeed, while not a disease in the strict sense of the word, many people are getting seriously hurt or even killed because of painkiller and other prescription drug abuse.
It is therefore not surprising that law enforcement officers in this state take drug charges seriously when it comes to opioids.
It is important in this respect for people to remember that drug charges do not always take the form of allegations that someone possessed or sold controlled substances unlawfully. In some cases, a drug-related charge may actually look more like a white collar crime.
For instance, Indiana law strictly prohibits a person from obtaining certain prescription drugs by nefarious means. Aside from forging a prescription outright, a person can also face a charge for things like giving false or misleading information either to a pharmacy or even to one’s physician, assuming the intention is to trick the doctor in to writing a prescription a person does not truly need. Even omitting important information, like the fact that person already has a prescription for the same drug, can lead to charges.
Police and prosecutors will take such charges seriously. Oftentimes, they assume the worst and believe that a pattern of fraud or trickery is evidence of a person’s scheme to get prescription medication to sell to others.
This is of course not always the case. Sometimes, a person is facing difficult circumstances or a tough situation that led to his making a one-time mistake. In other cases, someone could be innocent of any wrongdoing even if it turned out she was being careless. In such situations, getting the help of a criminal defense attorney is a good idea.