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Former sheriff’s deputy faces felony charges

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2019 | Sex Crimes |

A now former deputy of the Marion County Sheriff faced a double whammy recently when his superiors both fired him from his position and arrested him. He was held on charges of sexual misconduct with a service provider and also official misconduct.

Officers say they continue to investigate the case, but their allegations have been forwarded to the prosecutor for final consideration on whether to continue with a criminal case and what charges to pursue. The man had worked for the sheriff for over 10 years.

The first of the two allegations against the man is a felony charge. The accusation is that the man, who apparently was a jail guard, had a sexual relationship with one of the inmates housed in jail. The man is also accused of what amounts to an abuse of his public office as a sheriff’s deputy.

If he is convicted of these charges, he may face time in prison in addition to significant fines. It will also be very difficult for him to work in law enforcement ever again.

This story is just another example showing how a person who works for a long time in a job that carries public prestige can find himself, or herself, facing serious criminal charges. In some cases, the person really did make a mistake, and it may be best to try to minimize the consequences of the charges so one can go on with life.

It should be no surprise, though, that public officials, including law enforcement officers, are often unfairly under the microscope. As such, they may get accused of things that they either did not do or, at worst, had a minimal, and non-criminal, role in. Indianapolis residents in such circumstances should consider getting the help of an experienced sex crimes defense attorney.

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