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Violent 26 hours yields 7 separate shootings in Indianapolis

On Behalf of | May 24, 2018 | Criminal Defense |

Shootings are not uncommon in Indianapolis, but the past Monday and Tuesday produced an uncommon streak. In the span of just 26 hours, there were seven separate shooting incidents in the city. Two of the victims of those shootings died. Police are just beginning their investigations of these crimes, but the incidents do not appear to be related to one another.

The shootings began about 8:30 p.m. on Monday, when two women were shot in Dubarry Park. Neither woman suffered a fatal wound. About one hour later, police responded to the report of a shooting on North Park Avenue. The victim was a 22-year-old male who died from his wound. Overnight, police responded to two additional shooting reports. One was part of a domestic dispute. Another person was reportedly shot in a house. Neither incident resulted in a fatality.

At approximately 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, the body of a teenager was found in a car on Tecumseh Street. The last incident apparently occurred about 10:30 p.m. Police responded to a call reporting that a person had been shot near a filling station. Upon arrival, police found the victim in a local gas station, where he had apparently walked to seek help after he had been wounded. The man was taken to a hospital in serious condition.

The exact nature of these crimes may not be known until police investigate further. Nevertheless, the seriousness of the shootings cannot be disputed. The two deaths may result in first degree murder charges if the killings were premeditated. Anyone who is facing such charges may wish to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney for advice on the law and evidence that will affect the case and on the wisdom of attempting to reach a favorable plea agreement.

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